Jeff Steiner's Americans in France.
Resource for people that would like to live or travel in France.

Americans in France

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Driving Terms






Parking Related

Right of Way

Roads & Streets




Special Conditions

Traffic Lights

Vehicle Code


SignalizationRoad Identification

Roads are one of types listed below, each identified by the first letter and the color. Each road sign that identifies where you're going and/or what road you're on, there should be a small rectangular sign above it to identify the road. Each road is identified by a leading letter plus a number. As any American who's driven in France will tell you, in some towns none of the signs have any sort of identifying number, making navigation with a map nearly impossible. Nevertheless, each road is numbered. The examples below demonstrate the color scheme used.
Communal road
Black letters on a white background
   France route
White letters on a green background
Rural road
Black letters on a white background
   National route
White letters on a red background
Departmental road
Black letters on a yellow background
White letters on a red background
   European route
White letters on a green background


National road N9 toward the towns of Clermont-Ferand and Aigueperse Autoroute A75 (same as European route E11) toward the towns of Montpellier and Mende Departmental road D48 that will take you to the autoroute A67 or to the town of Cosmes Departmental road D906 entering the town of Courpière

The astute reader will notice that these colors don't quite line up with those in the GENERAL SIGNS section. As is true in the States, a particular road number can follow a number of different physical roads, sometimes of different sizes. This means sometimes that if you're following a particular road number, you could find yourself on a big road (i.e., green road signs) for a while, then a small road (i.e., white road signs) for a while. You will probably not be asked this info on the test, but it's mentioned here because it could be confusing while driving around. On the test, you could be asked what color the road number signs are on the autoroute (red). There are also questions that show you a picture like one of the examples above and ask what kind of road you're on.
