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Subject: health insurance and coverage
Date: Sunday, March 16, 2003
Name: james e nickel
Message: today i just discovered this wonder site (net) i have just finished reading most things on the site and was most interested in the health insurance topics. my wife who is french and i wish to return to france to live and buy property. initially it will be 6 months and 6 months return here then the "big move".

i was very interested in the reply by one person about paying a premium to the french social services for coverage. can anyone further elaborate on that and how it is done as one partner here is 65 and getting medicare coverage.

also is there supplemental insurance that would be recommended? the last question is even tho there is total (?) coverage by the french system sante does the concept of HMO's exist?, or regional or speciality coverage?

thank you in advance for anyone that helps or wishes to correspond.


Replies Posted 5.

Name Valerie
Message Hello,

If your wife speaks French, have her contact the French Social Security in Paris or the area that you are looking to move to. If you are persistent and lucky enough to come across the right person, you shold be able to get some answers from them.

Especially if the area you favor is already peopled by other ex-pats.

Do a search for 'ex-pats' on the web. There is a site that deals with all the questions of American ex-pats. I hope you find it.

Good luck!

Valerie St Malo

Name Libbie
Message I promised to report back any discoveries I made about health insurance for those over 65 who want to spend an extended period in Europe.

I got a reply from the firm that is listed in Knorr's book "Living in France" as being Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Western Europe. I will paste that message here:

Blue Cross and Blue Shield decided a few years ago to stop commercializing their "Western Europe" plan.

Nevertheless, I hereby send you information concerning another plan which was also specifically designed to meet the health care insurance needs of Americans residing outside the United States on a worldwide basis, and which we administer at European Benefits.

we will mail you the full information package which includes last year's plan brochure for general information, and an explanation of the modifications put in place on January 1, 2003.

Please note that membership-in-good-standing in the Association of Americans Resident Overseas (AARO) is required for coverage under the healthcare plan. In case you are not yet a member of AARO, you will find an AARO membership form by clicking on the following website link . Please also note that if you plan to enrol more than one family member in the AARO Group Medical Insurance Plan, you are then required to subscribe to a "Couple" membership in AARO.

When I asked about coverage for pre-existing conditions the reply was that each case is underwritten and decided upon individually. You can get more info at the AARO site listed above, or if you wish, e-mail me at [email protected]


Name Libbie
Message On another discussion list, I found an English insurance broker who lives in France and has sold health insurance there for several years. I have been having preliminary discussions with him, and he has sent me useful information. I cannot vouch for him, as our relationship hasn't progressed to that point yet. You might want to e-mail him. His name is Peter Owen and his address is [email protected]

I'm also going to pursue some other option for information. I'll post what I learn here. Please do the same!


Name jim
Message dear libbie

my situation is similar to yours in age and time and area in europe.

i am on medicare and as you know health problems are not covered by the s.s. service outside of the u.s.

during my last two months i have taken an additional insurance (supplimental) to cover things s.s. misses. it is with a u.s. company which sells life insurance and is a large and well known. it did not cover me while i was in turkey for a week but did cover me in senegal for a week. i was told that if i was on vacation for up to 3 months it would cover me in europe. that is with 20% deductible in some areas.

i have looked briefly at the two addressese in the site from the conservations before and have not been impressed so far. i am really interested in the possible coverage by the french dept de sante as mentioned by the one lady and am desperately trying to find information about that. does anyone out there know.


Name Libbie
Message I received your e-mail today and will reply to it directly, but I thought I'd answer you here in the hope that we might encourage others to enter this conversation.

My husband is 65, I am 55, and obtaining the proper health insurance for us if we live in Europe, or even if we travel for an extended period, is now our number one concern. It would be great if we could all post here what we learn about this subject.



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