Jeff Steiner's Americans in France.
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French Moving PlannerWhere to live in France

Where to live in France? Some people move to France with a clear answer to this question. For others it’s not so clear and downright difficult to get an answer. With the high investment of time and money in a move to France you really can’t afford to get it wrong. Getting off to the right start could possibly make or break the success of your new life in France.

Often a location is great for a vacation, but what about living? Will it have everything you expect? What will your quality of life be? So how should you go about answering these and other questions? Below are three resources to get you started.

  • Le Point Survey - The French magazine Le Point sheds a little light on answering the question ‘Where to live in France?’ As it conducts a yearly survey, released in early January, that rates the largest 100 French cities on an assortment of criteria, Employment, Wealth, Housing… There is an overall list (Nantes was the top rated city for the years 2003-4) and nine lists based on criteria, like Employment, Economic Activity, Safe to live … See Le Point Survey for more information.
  • Online Groups - Another way to get a better understanding of where to live in France is to ask others who have already made the to move to France. There are many on-line groups dedicated to France. See Online Groups France for a list.
  • Expat Survey - Americans in France is conducting an ongoing expat survey about living in France. Locations are rated on criteria such as - Quality of Life, Job Opportunities, Friendliness of Locals, Cost of Living … For more information see - Expat Survey





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