Jeff Steiner's Americans in France.
Resource for people that would like to live or travel in France.



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NewsletterNovember 2006

New Business

After much investigation and a few false starts, I have finely set up my business in France. My business is registered as an Entreprise Individuelle - individual proprietorship. I’ve gone the ‘micro-entreprise’ route and can’t sell more than 27,000 euros in services (I wish!) or more than 76,300 euros in products. The trade off here is that I don’t charge my clients TVA (sales tax), over 19% in France and I don’t need an accountant. I just need to keep a book listing my sales.
The main income will come from selling ads to be placed on my websites and through AdSense (Google’s ad network) and affiliate ads (commissions on things like hotel reservations that pass through my sites). I’m also doing Internet marketing, helping people get more traffic to their site, this includes helping reach English speakers living in France.
Lastly, I help those relocating to France. This includes, property purchase and search, car buying, employment, visas, nationality, child and medical care... To get the ball rolling I’m offering a free ½ hour consultation via skype or telephone. Ask me all those questions you can’t find answers for! For more information please see - Relocation to France

Foncia Molland

We recently had a very bad experience with a real estate agency in France. The agency’s name is a Foncia Molland, they are located in Annemasse. You can read more about our experience here. In short, we ended up losing a lot of money because of a poorly worded Etat des Lieux. We learned our lesson the hard way. Please don't let the same thing happen to you.

The Last Flight of a B-26

As I did last year I would like to share with you the story of an American B-26 that crashed in November 1944 near Plottes in Burgundy, killing all nine crewmembers. The morning of November 13, 1944 was foggy, rainy and cold, not flying weather. Especially not for a B-26 bomber, known as a 'widowmaker'. Under certain conditions, such as icing, the plane could vibrate violently and become unstable. Bad weather was not unexpected by the crew, but it may have meant something else to the B-26's US Army pilot, Richard Hisey; A native West Virginian, Hisey was used to winter weather back home. But the Burgundy weather he was flying in, was heavy fog and zero visibility, common in late fall or early winter. Hisey keep flying his plane, despite being advised to stop in Marseille, to secure a weather update.
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