I believe as a UK Citizen that France is far more cultured, expressive, family orientated and caring for the community than almost any other country I have ever been to.
For instance, at fete time, there are many many people on the streets and it is a time of community - They are not bothered about huge processions that people spend millions of pounds on. They just want to enjoy what they have - Excellent food/ Very cheap wine etc.
I love going to France, as they will look after your children in restaurants or maybe cook something a bit different from the menu for them. They are not so concerned with Western Greed like the US or UK.
They are arrogant, but Americans are sickly and Germans are clinical - Yes it sounds like stereotypes and you will no doubt be sitting there saying "Americans aren't sickly" and there will be many French people saying "French aren't Arrogant" but that's what the common preconception is.
Say to your husband that if in 2 years time you want to leave, can we?? Then spend the next 2 years enjoying what you have and the last month saying Goodbye to all the things you will miss and go if you want to. But at least have a chance for your child to get some French life in - It is an experience. And if you are that concerned why not come to the UK and have your baby here. All you will need is your E111, and as a European Citizen you will be allowed.