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Daily LifeBlood Bank (Établissement français du sang)

Giving blood in France is similar to giving in the US. The national blood bank is the Établissement français du sang (EFS) (site in English - facebook page). It's a public institution that is the only organization that can collect blood in France. All who donate blood in France are volunteers and are not paid. But they can get some great food after giving! See below. This includes plasma, in France it's not possible for an individual to sell their plasma.

The EFS is funded via the blood it supplies the French medical system. As French healthcare is predominantly funded by the national health insurance system that gets its money from taxes, inderctily the EFS is financed via taxes. The director of the EFS is appointed by the French president.

The best part of giving blood in France is what you can get afterward. Have a look at the menu below. In Lille if you give between 11am-3pm you can almost get a full meal! Check out the Lille EFS Yelp page. Also the EFS in Strasbourg seems to have good food also as does the EFS near Avignon - photos below.

These photos were taken at the ESF offices in Annmasse. As you can see from the menu you can almost get a meal after giving blood. On the menu is Quiche Lorraine, Couscous, Croque-Monsieur and a selection of cheese!
In January 2016 there was 'jeudi gourmande' with Galette des Rois for those who donated blood.

EFS menu in Annemasse.

Annemasse recovery area has the look and feel of a café.

According to American exapt Robyn Vogel 'Only in France would you have professionals chefs cooking for you at the end of your blood donation!'
One of Robyn's photos from a blood drive near Avignon.

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